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Stereoscopic pictures gallery

ScreenCapt ScreenCapt    v1.36

A tool for capturing a part of the displayed screen - v1.36

ScreenCapt can be used to repetitively capture and save a user-defined rectangle on your computer screen.
ScreenCapt can be used to capture part of the screen and save the bitmap in a file. It can also automatically save a part of the screen repetitively after a specified delay.
New in version 1.36: In the case of a stereoscopic picture, the captured image can be transposed on the fly: crossed-eye pictures can be instantly viewed in parallel and parallel pictures can be instantly viewed in crossed-eye mode.
The "Build AVI file" command can be used to build a video file from a set of pictures. This feature is now replaced by the StereoMovieBuilder software.
ScreenCapt will run on any PC with Microsoft Windows 98/Me, 2000, XP or Vista.
Installation: Extract the file from the zip archive and place them in a new folder created on the PC. For more ease of use, one can create a shortcut to the application in the "Start" menu.

Click here to download ScreenCapt (305 KB)

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