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Stereoscopic pictures gallery
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Picture of the day:
 État de Washington - Seattle - 06/07/2007 - 14:26
 État de Washington
Stereo Webcam
on stereoscopy
360° 3D Panoramas
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ISU - NSA 2007 Congress
Boise - 10 - 17 july 2007
ISU - NSA 2007 Congress     Standard 2D pictures  Panoramic pictures    Panoramic pictures
Crater of the Moon
National Monument and Preserve
Crater of the Moon     Standard 2D pictures  Panoramic pictures    Panoramic pictures


  Picture album that can be viewed using:
Stereo slideshow using a Flash viewer 3D stereoscopic pictures displayed with a Flash viewer.
Stereo slideshow using a HTML5 viewer 3D stereoscopic pictures displayed with a HTML5 viewer.
Anaglyph stereo pictures for red-cyan glasses 3D stereoscopic pictures displayed in anaglyph (red-cyan glasses needed).
Standard 2D pictures 2D ordinary pictures (no glasses needed).
Panoramic pictures Panoramic pictures.
Folder Folder containing other picture albums.
Restricted access Protected album, page or folder: a password is needed to access it.

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